Monday, 21 October 2013

Recruitment boss who advertised job vacancies brands unemployed 'lazy' after no one applies for roles

A company boss who advertised 50 vacancies in a city with nearly 2,000 unemployed has branded local jobseekers 'lazy' after nobody came forward.

Danny James, owner of recruitment agency Consistent Personnel, urgently required unskilled workers for at least three months' work at a local food factory.

But when he posted an advert at the local Jobcentre not a single person came forward in time for the start of the contract.

Mr James said the response was 'unbelievable' and the attitude of local job-seekers was 'a disgrace'.

Recruitment boss Mr James claims that many do not want to work and have no intention of taking menial jobs they are offered.

He said: 'If I lost my job, I would have a job tomorrow, even if it was cleaning toilets. I don't understand the mindset of these people.'

Mr James contacted Worcester Jobcentre at about 12.20pm on October 9 seeking people for warehouse work at the local Senoble food factory, which would last through the Christmas period.

The firm then followed up the call with an e-mail at 12.41pm with more details about the minimum-wage £6.31-per-hour jobs.

Inductions for the Monday-to-Friday roles were due to begin at 5pm that day, before the shift.

However, a job centre source said the problem was the 'very short timescale' given to find people for a night shift.

Mr James, 29, said: 'People need no skills whatsoever.

'It's the most simple cake-packing, box-stacking position. My three-year-old daughter could do it. But not one person has rung me up.

'It's a disgrace. Everybody should know. People who pay their taxes will be so disappointed in that.

'There is work and it is beyond me why nobody has rung me. They couldn't even get me one person. It's unbelievable.

'I see so many people hanging around on street corners, people outside the job centre smoking and then something like this comes up where I need just 50 people old enough to work in a factory.

'It's beyond me that they can't even get one person from the job centre. It is so very frustrating.

'The only conditions are that they have to be over 18 and have a national insurance number and no criminal convictions. You don't need any experience whatsoever.'

Mr James managed to get 10 people himself by using his contacts, records and by calling friends, claiming he had effectively had to act as a Jobcentre himself to fill at least some of the positions.

But one of those who considered the job hit back saying he had no choice because he is better off on benefits.

Dean Scollan, 37, says it is 'not worth the money' because the take-home pay of £220 will leave him out of pocket.

'I do want to work but what is the point of me going if it's going to make me worse off?' he said. 'I'm not going to work for peanuts.

'If the finances were right, I would have gone for the induction. I would have got a pushbike and gone up there but it wasn't worth the money.'

The Senoble job would only earn him £200 to £220 per week after tax, less than he received on benefits, he said.

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said the short notice of the shifts meant staff were unable to fill the roles.

'Every day Jobcentre Plus staff up and down the country are successfully helping employers fill their vacancies and get people into work,' he said.

'On this occasion, however, the very short timescale given by the agency and the need for jobseekers to be available to work the night shift, that same day, meant we were unable to help on this occasion.'

Robin Walker, MP for Worcester, said: 'It seems disappointing that there aren't people prepared to take those jobs.

'You would have thought there would have been a reasonable amount of take-up given the number of people out of work.'


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