Monday, 28 October 2013

How to make a girl fall in love with you

Most guys wrongly assume that girls love getting the attention
of guys *just for fun*.
They assume a girl would stare back, flirt, get closer, and in
one swift move, just back away all of a sudden and pretend
like nothing ever happened.

Have you ever experienced this?
Have you ever got really close to a girl, only to be thrown to
the floor a few weeks later because she either starts ignoring
you or tells you she never did really *see you as anything
more than a friend*?
You may have felt led on until she slammed the door on you,
and now, you think this is a girl thing where they just use
guys and walk all over them.
But really, if you've experienced it, you're reading your
experience all wrong!
What you experienced wasn't a girl thing. It's a human thing!
All of us as humans behave the same way.
When we get something too easily without really working for
it, we never appreciate it. If we don't desire something and
get it all of a sudden, we never really care too much for it.
And that holds good for material things, and for matters of the
heart too.

The art of taking things slow while pursuing a girl
When it comes to pursuing a girl, always take things slow.
Pursue her, but at the same time, make her work for your
affection too. It's great to follow your instincts in life, but
when it comes to falling in love, your inexperienced instincts
will always lead you straight into the middle of the firing

When you fall in love with a girl, you'd just want to know
what's on her mind and whether she likes you back too. But
unless you make her want you and desire you first, she can't
really value you or even realize how great a guy you are,
don't you think?

Take time, play it safe and easy, and help her see how
awesome you are. And even before you know it, when you
finally pop the question, she'd have the answer that you're
just waiting to hear.

What girls want in a great guy
Just like you want to date a great girl, the girl you like would
want to date a great guy too! So if you want to woo a girl
who's all that, you need to turn yourself into a guy who's
awed by all other guys and desired by every girl.
First impressions play a big part in making a girl like you
instantly. But even if you weren't able to impress her at first
sight, fret not, because there are always second chances
*although you may have to work just a little bit harder!*
The two scenarios while making her fall in love
When you start to fall for a girl, and you still haven't told her
that you love her, there are just two scenarios you could
experience. She may like you back, or well, she may not like
you back just yet.
But on the other hand, if she doesn't even know you exist or
if both of you aren't friendly yet, make sure you get her to
notice you first.

Scenario •1 She likes you too
If you're talking to her already, and you're getting all the
great vibes from her, you're well on your way to impressing
her. Just remember to avoid being hasty, flirt with her and
have a good time with her, but use the tips I've mentioned
below to make her work for your attention so she can fall for
you even before you ask her out.

Scenario•2 She doesn't like you yet
So how can you tell if a girl doesn't like you or doesn't see
you as a dating potential yet? It's simple really. Notice how
she behaves around you.

Does she laugh or smile more often around you than she does
with other guys? Does she text you or call you now and then
for no reason at all? Or does she bump into you at the
cafeteria and talks to you for a while even if her friends are
around or waiting for her? If she isn't doing any of this
already and she's not really a shy girl, she probably hasn't
fallen for you yet. Take it slow, and use these tips on how to
win a girl's heart effortlessly in no time.

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