Tuesday, 18 February 2014

7 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress When Studying

If you're a first-year student you might be wondering how to
reduce stress when studying. I know learning can be really
tough. Between constant studying, special projects and daily
homework most students are searching for ways to reduce
study related stress. I've got a list of some simple ways to
reduce stress when studying.

1. Positive thinking
During my Bachelor's degree study my negative thoughts did
lots of damage to my grades. I'd sit down trying to study, but
I was unable to focus on anything else except failure. I'd
convince myself that my study was pointless and I was going
to fail. I would have had better results if I had thought more
positive about the situation.

2. Nap
Napping could greatly improve student's performance. Most
students are stressed over their busy schedules trying to
balance a social life, school, and work. Sometimes taking a 30
minute nap can help to rev back up for study.

3. Healthy eating
Eating plays a significant role in how to reduce study stress.
When you have a poor diet, your brain doesn't get proper
nutrition to function clearly. Make sure you eat brain-boosting
foods high in fiber, omega-3s, and antioxidants.

4. Exercise
Working out is an excellent way to reduce feelings of stress
when studying. Getting the exercise on campus is easier than
you might think. You can jog or bike around campus. A lot of
universities have a gym or health center at reasonable student
rates. Regular physical activity helps to burn off energy and
clear your mind so you can focus better on your studies.

5. Visualization meditation
Lots of students use this as a way to reduce stress when
studying. Try this visualization meditation technique if your
study related stress is leading to anxiety. Relax your mind and
imagine yourself in a safe, peaceful place. Focus on your
breathing and involve all of your senses in your imagination.
How do the trees smell? What does the wind or the sun feel
like? Do you hear the soft birds' singing? Once you relax,
begin taking your test or return to your studying.

6. Music
Music brings good health and stress relief benefits. If you're
feeling anxious, music can calm you down and stimulate your
mind. A lot of experts recommend listening to classical music
when studying. Classical music stimulates your brain and
relaxes your mood, so you can get your most effective
studying done. Did you know music can help you study

7. Organization
If you're not organized student, you might desperately ask
how to reduce stress when studying. It is stressful enough to
have the school things in disarray. How can you study at your
desk when it's covered in paper and files? How can you
prepare for your chemistry exam if your book is sitting at your
friend's apartment or in your car? Make sure that your study
space is always clean and organized and try to become more
responsible with your folders, books, and notes.

Do you have your own ways to relieve stress when studying?
Share your thoughts, please!

Via: dawn

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