Saturday 6 June 2015

Transsexual threatens to expose Chris Brown for coming for Caitlyn Jenner

By Transexual I mean the beautiful female on the left used to be a man. Her name is Shauna Brooks and last year she made the news after she revealed that she had been invited to party at Chris Brown's home in Virginia. Well, yesterday after Chris reposted that popular meme referring to Caitlyn Jenner as a science project, Shauna threatened to expose Chris.


Unknown said...
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ProstoShelMimo said...

Tuoyo Etoromi Oduah's son claims that he would rather be a bastard than his son: god know's it's wrong to say such things, even to people like Oduah

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Never understood transgender people, why do they become? is in my some kind of mental disorder and such people should be treated! - I like straight sex, and love to give pleasure to women, by the way there is a great article on this topic - 5 ways to make SEX extremely pleasurable for her in bed has anyone tried these methods, you like that?