Wednesday 12 March 2014

9 Ways to Get Your Children to Exercise

Are you looking for really effective ways to get your children
to exercise? We live in the fast-paced world and as a mother
of a small child myself I always think about how to keep my
little one active. We need to be creative at times, but it's all
about keeping our kids happy and healthy, right?! Take a look
at some ways to get your children be active.

1. Gardening and yard work
Sometimes you can think there is no way to get your pre-teen/
teen to garden. Usually the younger ones are all in. How do I
know? My 3 year old child jumps when she has the chance
and is always deep in some good ole dirt! As for the older
ones, cutting the lawn (with a push mower of course), raking
leaves, or trimming tree branches are something they usually
can do. In such a way they will be using muscles they didn't
even know they had.

2. Field day games
Organize a field day competition in the back yard and ask
your kids invite their friends and have a kind of a friendly
competition. It can consist of different kinds of exercises
including short races, free throw contest, the long jump, pull
up contest, sit up contest, and push up contest. You can also
challenge your children to push themselves physically and at
the end of the competitions reward them with sporting
equipment, certificates, or even money!

3. Stay active
Another way to get your children to be active is to stay active
yourself. As parents, we must show the example for our
children every single day, and when you think they aren't
watching, you better think that they are. All children (more
often younger ones) repeat everything that their parents are
doing. We are the first example for our children, that's why
try not to let them down. Let your children see you active and
exercise. Try not to work out at the gym. Do it at home with
your kids. You can purchase a set of light-weight dumbbells
and teach them proper form with tricep extensions, bicep curls
and shoulder presses. Try and be that fitness role model for
your kids.

4. Exercise for gamers
Are your children avid gamers? If they are, get them excited
about being active using their favorite tool! Xbox 360 Just
Dance or Nintendo Wii Fit are just two options of exercise
based video games. Your children won't only get in some
exercise, but also have fun with this too. And actually no one
said that video games were just for kids?! You can join them
for some gaming fun!

5. Go for a hike
One of the best ways to get your kids to exercise is to go for a
hike. In such a way they will be into nature and outdoors.
Hunting for a scavenger is a nice way to make it a little more
interesting and encourage your children to pay attention to
their surroundings and enjoy nature. Taking a hike is one of
the best way for your kids to be active.

6. Enjoy the great outdoors
If the sun is shining and the weather is wonderful, take an
advantage for playtime outside. Remember your good old
days of riding bikes, hide-n-seek, red light-green light,
kickball, playing tag, and climbing trees. Give an example to
your children how to be active and have fun! Everyone is
extremely happy and enjoys outdoors' activities.

7. Walking or riding
If you live close to the grocery store, the library, or your
child's school, why not walk there instead of riding or
driving? There is nothing more enjoyable than a pleasant
walk! I like walking with my kid, because I know she is
active and healthy!

8. Dance, dance, dance
It's a good idea to enroll your children to a dance class. Dance
classes are perfect for children who are a little more artsy or
for those that just enjoy dancing. Going to a ballet, hip-hop
class, or ballroom dance class will get your children exercise
for at least an hour 1-2 times a week. Some other benefits of
dancing are positive socializing, boosted confidence,
improved posture, and, besides, it reduces stress. So get your
dance on!

9. Join a team
Team sports are an awesome opportunity to get your kids
socializing as well as exercising. When my kid is
competitively active among peers, she is also encouraged to
stay consistent and lead an active lifestyle. It's necessary to
hone in on some of the skills that your children have mastered
to make the best selection of sport for your children to join.

Now you have a few fun ways to get your children exercising
and moving. How do you think which of these ways your kids
will like best?

Via: Amerikanki

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