Tuesday 22 April 2014

Sinzu indicted on a charge of fraudulent use of identification in Texas

According to a local media website in Texas, Nigerian rapper Sinzu has been indicted by a Collin County grand jury in Texas on a charge of fraudulent use of identification.

The website lists Collin County grand jury returned 26 bills of indictment on April 1, 2014 with Sinzu's being the 16th on the list. The indictment was filed by Texas Plano Police.

Sinzu is currently being investigated for being involved in a $300 debit card fraud case which started with an incident in Houston. Several days after a US website released a video placing the rapper at the scene, Sinzu (real name Babalola Falemi) responded to a friend's question denying his involvement.

Contrary to reports from gossip blogs, it is possible the Nigerian rapper was not arrested. A practicing lawyer informs NET that a person can be indicted but yet not arrested. 'It simply means that the prosecutor presented the case to a grand jury and they returned a decision that the prosecutor had enough of a case to charge the defendant and bring the case to trial'.

Sinzu has still not released an official statement over the controversial matter but has deleted his Instagram page.

Story developing.

Culled from NET

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