Friday 14 February 2014

Google Wants to Give Us 10 Gigabit Fiber Within Three Years

Google' Fiber is mighty fast at 1 gigabit per second, but the
company is working to pick its speeds up by a factor of ten.
At a conference earlier this week, Google's Chief Financial
Officer Patrick Pichette explained that its coming fiber
networks should boast speeds of 10 gigabits per second,
reports USA Today. The next-gen networks are, according
to Pichette, part of the company's "broader, long-term
obsession with speed." Those networks should, apparently,
allow for far broader use of software as a service—because
the speeds will be reliable enough to trust for far more
critical applications.

Of course, there are faster example of real-world internet,
but none of them are being rolled out at rates comparable to
Google's efforts in Kansas City and, soon, Austin, Texas. In
fact, Pichette exclaimed "why wouldn't we make it available
in three years? That's what we're working on. There's no
need to wait." So even if it ain't 1 terabit per second, it'd do
us just fine, thank you very much. [USA Today]


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