Monday 10 February 2014

Sigma's dp Quattro cameras boast higher- resolution sensors and an extra-wide design

No, you're not looking at a projector -- it's the dp2
Quattro, the first of three cameras in Sigma's new dp
Quattro lineup. That unusually wide, almost cinematic
body is meant to provide a more balanced feel in the
hand than the compact design of its predecessors.

However, the real centerpiece is underneath: every
camera has a new version of the three-layer, color-rich
Foveon X3 sensor that takes higher resolution photos
(20 megapixels versus 15.3) while improving both
performance and battery life. Sigma has also made a
leap to a faster TRUE III image processor. Unusually,
there's also an optical viewfinder available for purists,
which should work well with the fixed lenses. The dp2
Quattro will come with a 30mm f/2.8 general purpose
lens, while the dp1 and dp3 will respectively carry
19mm wide-angle and 50mm telephoto optics. The
company hasn't said just when the Quattro cameras will
ship, but history suggests that they won't be cheap.


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