Thursday 2 January 2014

See 4 Things You Should Never Do When Dumping Someone

Breaking up, as the song says, is a plate full of suck sandwich. You meet someone, sparks fly, and then you start doing that weird thing we call dating. You know, when you touch each
other's parts and go see movies, sometimes you eat food
too. Eventually though, you come to realize that this isn't
the person for you, you don't want to watch movie with
them or have fights about spooning — you want to break-
up. So you do it, or it is done to you and then you eat all of
the ice cream that there is.

Be you the dumper or the dumpee, breaking up is the pits. It also happens more and more these days with online dating. You go on one date with a person, and feel no connection. You don't want to see them again. This wouldn't be a problem
— but they DID feel something, and now they are texting

hey want to see you again. They want to run through a field
of corn nuggets with you. They want to sing Faith Hill
songs into the nape of your neck. You want to sit at home
and watch Boardwalk Empire in your lounging pants solo.
It's gnarly because now you've got to gently break-up with
someone…who you weren't even dating.

The best thing you can is respond honestly but kindly. They
ask to see you again and you say, "I'm really glad I got a
chance to meet you, but we're not a good match." That's
right. Be that definitive. Leave no wiggle room. Below
you'll find 5 mistakes women make when "breaking up"
with a new suitor.

1.) The Fade Away

This just makes you look like an asshole and a big ol'
coward. You're none of those things! You are awesome. Be
awesome — treat this person well.

2.) I Think

Trust me on this, even saying "I think we're not a good
match," leaves the door open to an especially persistent
brand of jerk. "Sure, that's what YOU think, but what
about what I THINK?" You don't want to open yourself up
to that sort of pointlessly hostile exchange.

3.) Right Now

They covered this on How I Met Your Mother. If you say
something like "I just don't think we're a good fit…right
now," you are keeping that dude on your hook. You're
giving him license to check in WEEKLY even to see if
"right now" has changed.

4.) Text Wars

This is rare, but you might come across someone who
won't take no for an answer. He keeps texting, he keeps
calling, he keeps emailing. This my friend, is where you
stop texting and stop explaining yourself, and back away.
You were polite and reasonable — he's out of line.

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