Monday 24 February 2014

7 Amazing Ways to Make Your Day More Productive

There are many effective ways to make every day more
productive, we just have to be intentional about our priorities.
When we think about getting important things done, like
house chores, school, or work deadlines, it's so easy to
become overloaded and overwhelmed, and if your list is very
long, it's even more frustrating. Follow these tips for making
your day more productive and you will be less stressed and
more focused on your tasks!

1. Get enough sleep
If you want to make your day more productive, you should
get enough sleep first. Without a good night's rest, your
energy drops, your mind is less focused, and your ability to be
more productive goes down. Sleep is important for your
physical and mental health. Make it a priority to get 7-8 hours
of quality sleep each night!

2. Wake up earlier
Another way to make your day more productive is to get up
earlier in the morning. I'm not a morning person and I like to
sleep in, but I know that I just waste my precious time.
Getting 7-8 hours of sleep is enough and you don't need to
sleep more. When you get up early in the morning, you are
less anxious, more prepared for the day and you have time to
eat a healthy breakfast. So many benefits!

3. Stick to a daily routine
While a daily routine seems to be boring, it's key for feeling
more organized and being more productive. Start every day
the same way and you will see what a huge difference it
makes. What is the first thing you do after getting up in the
morning? Do you drink coffee or read a morning paper?
Maybe you do yoga or pray. Whatever it is, try to be
consistent with it, this will help you be more productive every

4. Set realistic goals
It's important to set realistic goals. You should know that you
will certainly accomplish them. Your list might be shorter, but
it's okay. The point is, you get things done without feeling
stressed and overwhelmed.

5. Focus fully on one task at a time
In order to avoid feeling overloaded and overwhelmed with
your everyday tasks, try to focus only on accomplishing one
task at a time. There is no point in overloading your brain
with numerous tasks at a time. Make a list of your priorities
and begin from the top. When you complete more than one
task at once, you might end up feeling stressed and exhausted.

6. Remove distractions
When you are working on something important, make sure
you remove all distractions. Place your cell phone or any
other electronic devices in another room. Apart from
removing distractions, it's also important to take a short break
every hour. Taking breaks are essential. For instance, if you
are preparing for an exam, your brain needs a break to absorb
information efficiently.

7. Do less every day
Being productive doesn't always mean the number of things
you accomplish during the day. Getting things done without
being intentional is just a waste of precious time. If there are
some things that you can do tomorrow, why not give yourself
more breathing room? It's better to do one qualitative task
than a few low-quality tasks.
Personally I get overwhelmed easily when I have plenty of
things to do and these tips really help me to stay focused and
make my day more productive! How do you make each day
more productive? Share your tips with us.

Via: Amerikanki

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