Monday 24 February 2014

7 Tips on How to Budget Your Money Better

It can be difficult as a woman to budget your money properly.
With a lack of time, love for shopping, low pay and stress,
budgeting can be extremely difficult, especially if you don't
follow the tips on how to budget your money better. We often
spend money without thinking that we are actually
overspending and due to this we have many debts and unpaid
bills. Learn how to budget your money better and start
improving your life right now.

1. Balance your bank account
The first thing you can do to budget your money better is to
balance your bank account every day. You will need 5-10
minutes to do it. I know it is boring, but it is necessary. At the
end of every day, just write down the things you spent money
on. This will help you see how much you are spending every
day. If you are not spending much daily, you will not have to
do it.

2. Space your bigger bills out between paycheck
Paying all my bills with one paycheck is one of the things I
usually avoid doing. This may work for you, but for me it
creates problems. Because of it, I usually space the bigger
bills out between my paychecks. It helps me to pay all my
bills on time and budget my money better.

3. Make a list
Make a list of all the bills and then of all your income sources
for the month. You should know how much you have coming
in and going out every month. Doing this will help you to pay
your bills on time and avoid overspending. This is one of the
most important tips to follow when you are trying to budget
your money better.

4. Spend less
Believe me, I don't like to tell this but you should spend less
money monthly. Limit the amount of money you spend on
social outings, which can be quite pricey. There are many free
activities to do with your friends or partner, so why not save
on it? Also, think of transportation that is not cheap these
days. You may try walking or even biking. This will help you
both save money and improve your health.

5. Reduce your needs
For me, it's really hard to reduce my needs. As a woman, I
like to spend my money on cosmetics and nice dresses, but I
don't do it in order to budget my money better. After all, do
you really need those five shades of lipstick or kinds of
perfume? I'm sure you don't. Could you buy a bar of soap
instead of that expensive body wash? Or, could you buy more
basic food items instead of restaurant meals? Think about
what's really important to you and try to reduce your needs.
When you are smart with your money, you have less money

6. Break your bad habits
Breaking a bad habit is always a great idea. Excessive
smoking, drinking, shopping, etc. are all bad habits lots of
people have these days. If you have a few bad habits, keep in
mind that they are sucking your income dry. No matter how
difficult they are to break, avoid them at all costs. Start with
making a list of how much you spend on your bad habits
every week or month. When you see that number, don't
wonder why you are broke.

7. Think of getting an app
Have you ever thought that an app can help you budget your
money? Sometimes, it can. You don't have to choose an
expensive app, there are many free apps that can help you
save money and avoid overspending. I know many people
who use apps for budgeting their money, who knows, maybe
a good app will help you as well.

To tell the truth I don't like to budget my money, but I know
that it's necessary and I have to do it. I hope my tips will help
you to budget your money better and make the process easier.
Well, ladies, do you have any other tips? Share them with us,

Via: Amerikanki

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