Saturday 8 February 2014

7 Great Values You Should Live by

Did you know about important values you should live by? If
you want to live life without regrets you need to learn these
values and teach others, especially if you are a parent. As a
mom, I know there are a lot of things I should instill in my
child's heart and mind. There are plenty of good
characteristics, morals, and most important values we all need
to live by and here are a few of them:

1. Appreciation
Appreciation is one of the most important values every person
should live by. Sometimes it can be difficult to show
appreciation, but there are many tips on how to do it. To live
a happy life you should always appreciate what you have.
Using manners and smiling show appreciation. I teach it to
my child – to appreciate everything in life since she is blessed
every day.

2. Respect
Respect is another important value to live by. While I teach
my child to respect everybody, I also teach her to respect
herself first. I believe especially now in our generation it's
vital to teach our kids to respect themselves because when
they respect themselves others respect them too.

3. Faith
Even if you are not religious, having faith is important. For
me and my family faith is very important because we all
believe in God, and when something isn't working out right or
doesn't seem to go our way, we don't forget to have faith.
People who are not religious should have faith in themselves
and in others, and to stay positive no matter what.

4. Honesty
You should be honest not only to others but to yourself as
well. After all, it's great to be honest, and share those feelings
and thoughts. It's being honest to yourself, your belief and
everything you stand for. One of the things to keep in mind
when being honest is to think of other people before yourself.
Often people don't love the truth, which is why you should
always think twice before telling anything.

5. Forgiveness
For me, forgiving is a difficult thing. But I know that it's
important to forgive and move on. Why is it so important?
Negative thoughts can harm your health and make your life
miserable. I personally can forgive, but I can't forget. If you
are like me you should learn to forgive and let go, and never
hold grudges. Your life will be much happier, I promise.

6. Patience
Patience is something that I struggle with every single day.
Being a mom and a woman who is trying to make her career
can be a little overwhelming and I know that I must be more
patient. In fact, teaching patience is a wonderful value. It's
great to know that the best things certainly come to those
wait, you just need to work toward it.

7. Belief
My mom taught me this, and I continue to do it for my
daughter. I really think it's good to believe in other people
and their aspirations. There's nothing better than rooting for
someone you love to achieve their goals. When you believe in
someone, it's a good support for them, remember it.

Now, you see there are a few most important values you and
your family should live by. What are values you and your
family live by? Please share your thoughts in the comments

Via: Amerikanki

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