Friday 7 February 2014

Facebook lets users rewrite the past by editing their 'Look Back' videos

Let's be real here: the nostalgic "Look Back" videos
Facebook rolled out for its tenth birthday are... let's say,
hit or miss. Sure, some of them are tremendously
meaningful. Most of them are much less so. But fear
not! In the event that your Look Back video doesn't
really tell your personal story (or at least not the version
you want people to see), Facebook is giving you the
chance to edit it.

Clicking the shiny new 'edit' button on the Look Back
page lets you choose which images and status updates
you want to highlight. There are, sadly, some pesky
limits. As TechCrunch points out, you're stuck choosing
from only a slightly wider pool of content, not the
entirety of your lives on Facebook. Then again, even a
bit of selective surgery could go a long way in making
these videos more tolerable, so tweak away.

Via: Engadget

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